Saturday, January 17, 2009


I just wanted to apologize for not posting in a little while.

I have let life get in the way. Between traveling halfway across the country to be with family for the holidays, a shoulder surgery that went very well, and starting to lead my small group in a subject that I am VERY passionate about, I have let this site and my readers (if they are out there) down. I am sorry.

Shoulder surgery was for some rotator cuff issues and bone spurs. Rehab to begin soon.

The topic for the small group is Fireproof Your Marriage. This study is based off the movie "Fireproof" we start this Monday and I really can't wait to hear the stories and comments from the group.

I will post more on this subject as we move forward.


Lord, please guide me as I continue on my walk with You. Over next month or so I will be trying to use Your word to help people in our small group better their marriages. I have myself been trying very hard to model my marriage after Your teachings and I have to say that I have never been happier, both because You are in my heart, and because you have given me a strong Christian woman to be my partner. We both know that it is in You that we will find true happiness. I ask that You work through me to help others have the joyful union that You have blessed me with.

In Jesus' name I pray,